Nantes Castle





Service Design Workshop



This project was done during a 3-day service design seminar. We spent 2 days of field analysis and 1 day of concept realization. The aim of the project was to analyse the nedds of a selected category of people within the Museum of the Nantes Castle [Châteaux des Ducs de Bretagne] and to design a service to solve the problems identified. We worked in team of 3 with interaction designer [Emma Boileau] and graphic designer [Adélie Joüon-Fay].


We analyzed the persona, including the profile of our users, generally described as elderly, and the location, being the museum of the Château des Ducs de Bretagne. Then, we detailed the process visitors will follow in the museum. We wrote a questionnaire divided into three parts: before, during and after the visit. Next, we went to the museum to interview the elderly with our questionnaire. With their answers, we identified the main issue: poor communication about the content of the museum. Our visitors expected to see content about life in the castle instead of the history of Nantes.


The information problem starts at the museum reception area. The noticeboards are not clear and attractive enough. By analyzing the space and tools already used at the reception area, we decided to design a large interactive board highlighting the museum's themes about the city of Nantes. This board enabled to clearly illustrate the themes and catch visitors' eyes upon entering, more effectively than their current written information. The board is large to allow a maximum number of visitors to use it. Easy to use, visitors can simply scroll through the information on the different themes. We used Photoshop and Figma to design our interface.